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The Journal aims to promote optimum drug therapy by providing original papers and review articles covering important aspects of clinical and applied Pharmacology and Therapeutics. The focus of the Journal comprises drug evaluation reviews, which provide a detailed focus on different properties, i.e. dosage, toxicology, drugs interactions and a place in therapy of both newer and established drugs. Other Review Articles offer state-of-the-art literature surveys covering broader topics. Practical Therapeutics Articles and Leading Articles provide recommendations for specific situations of connections or emerging areas, respectively.
The journal publishes: Original papers/ Research Articles/ Review articles/ Case studies/ Clinical studies/ Literature reviews/ Statistical studies.
The Journal publishes, in special issues, papers presented at:

  • the Conferences with International Participation Medicinal Chemistry: Drug Discovery and Design organized by the Departments of Chemistry and Pharmacy of the University of Patras, Hellas
  • the Panhellenic Congresses of Pharmacology organized by the Hellenic Society of Pharmacology
  • the PanHellenic Congress of Aesthetics and Cosmetology (Cosmoestetica)
The scientific standard of the papers, which are accepted for publication, is controlled by the Editorial Board or by other Experts in the various fields of Medicine, Pharmacology, Pharmacokinetics and Therapeutics.


The Proceedings of the 1st International Babylon Conference on Clinical and Experimental Pharmacological Research will be published as a separate issue in the Scopus-indexed journal Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics - International Edition (ISSN: 1011-6583).
DEADLINE:Thursday 22 February 2024
SUBMISSION:via email to AND to, as an attachment in a single Word document.
All contributing participants in this conference (whether they intend to deliver talks or present posters) will be required to submit an abstract of their work that will be published in this issue. All submitted abstracts will be required to be written in English and should contain the following elements:
(i) TITLE (up to 20 words)
(ii) author(s) name(s) in full (i.e., name and surname) accompanied by the ORCID of each author
(iii) affiliations of the author(s)
(iv) corresponding author's details (name, address, e-mail, and telephone)
(v) KEY WORDS (up to five, separated with comma)
(vi) SUMMARY (unstructured; up to 200 words as a single paragraph)
(vii) MAIN TEXT (minimum: 500 words / maximum: 1,200 words; structured as "Introduction" - "Materials and Methods" - "Results" - "Discussion" for original research-presenting manuscripts or freely-structured for invited talks / reviews etc.)
(viii) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (if any)
(ix) CONFLICTS OF INTEREST (mandatory to declare; if none exist, please write "None to declare.")
(x) REFERENCES (up to 10 references allowed; see instructions on their formatting below)
(xi) TABLE or FIGURE (each abstract can contain either one Table or one Figure, accompanied by a detailed legend).


These should be numbered in the MAIN TEXT (as numbers in brackets: i.e. [1], [2] etc.) and listed under the REFERENCES section in the order of their appearance in the MAIN TEXT. The author(s) surname followed by the initials should be given first, then the complete title of the article, the name of the Journal or Magazine (abbreviated according to the Index Medicus), the volume number, page numbers and year of publication in parenthesis, the DOI of the article (if applicable), the journal indexing in any big bibliographic database (if applicable).
Example of a listed reference:
Mossialos E., Allin S., Karras K., Davaki K.: An investigation of Caesarean sections in three Greek hospitals. Eur. J. Public Health 15: 288-295 (2005). PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar
NOTE: Drugs must be referred to by their generic or chemical name, but may be identified by trade name in parenthesis or footnote.


The hosting journal (Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics - International Edition) is an open access journal that publishes open access articles distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The copyright is retained by the author under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution License.


Online participants: 50,000 ID
Atendance participations without publication: 100,000 ID
Participation with research including publishing fee and conference book (hard copy) :400,000 ID
Payment through Zain Cash (Mobile No.):+964 7708020200